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Richmond to Rotherhithe 30 km FREE

Ready to hike some big urban miles? Then join this Sunday ‘stroll’ — part of a back-to-back endurance training weekend — from beautiful Richmond following the Thames all the way to historic Rotherhithe. This is one of my favourite long-distance London hikes, because the city changes so much along the way. Meeting at Richmond station at 10 am, sharp, we’ll take in quaint townhouses and long, verdant swathes of woodland. Then, as we approach Hammersmith and beyond, the city takes on a different, distinctly more urban flavour before we reach the sprawling metropolis of central London.

We’ll pass along the Southbank, through London Bridge and onwards until we arrive at the former docklands of South London’s Rotherhithe, making our way through the narrow streets overhung with huge old-world warehouse buildings. What better way to see historical and contemporary London in all its wonder?!

Bring some water, snacks and waterproofs, but there’ll be plenty of opportunity to grab lunch and coffees along the way.

6 April

Epping Forest Circular 20/25 km - FREE & MIXED

11 May

Hastings to Rye 20 km - FREE